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increase income for smallholder farming families from a mix of salary and profit-sharing
up to 20% unlevered IRR alongside emissions removals for investors
30 tCO₂
captured per hectare per year -- 3X more efficient than standard reforestation
remains in the community  for every ton of CO₂ captured
what we do

Triple bottom line carbon removal: empowering people + profit + planet

Recapture is a leading nature-based carbon project developer of regenerating forestry carbon removal project assets on degraded land that triple farmer incomes, capture three times the carbon of traditional reforestation while generating institutional quality returns from the sale of hybridized, regenerating eco-timber.

EXPLORE Project Frameworks
Recapture's team is recognized by leading organizations honoring sustainability
Regenerative CAM+ Photosynthesis Technology

Pioneering regenerative forestry: capturing 3X more carbon and restoring soils

Our regenerative forestry system uses hybrid, non-invasive hardwoods, capable of regenerating from their own stumps after each harvest up to 7 times and capturing 3X more carbon than traditional methods while enhancing community wealth.

This innovative approach verifiably captures three times more carbon per hectare than conventional reforestation methods, all while generating profit and uplifting local communities.

our technology
CO2 removals and financial returns

Empowering businesses with a profitable path to net zero and beyond

With limited supply of high-quality projects, securing access to project investments for net zero is tougher than ever. We enable corporations to invest in impactful natural capital projects, reducing costs, speeding up transactions, and stabilizing carbon value. Our model ensures businesses meet climate goals profitably while driving meaningful environmental impact.

Explore crs for enterprise
sustainable development in latin america

Creating economic opportunities: empowering rural women and indigenous farmers

Women & Indigenous-Lead
Led by women and indigenous farmers, our projects use diverse polyculture systems that enhance biodiversity and honor traditional knowledge
Rehabilitating Degraded Land
Transitioning lands from cash crops to hybrid eco-timber intercrop with native trees, improving biodiversity and transitioning to long-term native forestry
Economic Prosperity
Farmers earn up to 4x more that cash crops by integrating eco-timber with native species, combining salary and profit-sharing for sustainable income
Diverse, Resprout Silviculture
Employing coppice regeneration silviculture instead of clear-cutting or tilling, keeps carbon in its place

Looking to get more hands-on expertise with carbon projects?

Recapture hosts an immersive 7-day leadership program designed to equip sustainability and investment leaders with field-knowledge to drive profitable, impactful, and compliant nature-based projects.
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